For halloween this year I thought I would try and do something different. I thought that instead of doing the traditional thing of doing all your nails in one design I would alternate the designs. I went for pumpkins and cobwebs this year as I thought it would be quick and simple. I was so wrong. As long as I only do nail art on my left hand I'm ok.
I started by putting a base coat of the Gelicure in Black. I done the Gelicure as I would normally which means when I put the nail art on, it will be easy to wipe it off the nail and still leave the black on the nail. To do the nail art I used the Orly Instant Artist Orange Peel Water-Based Nail Art Striper, Nubar White Nail Art Striper, and their Silver Glitter Striper.
With the cobwebs I did them in white, and then done the silver glitter over the top of the white. This just makes it sparkle and gives it that edge. You might be able to see this effect in the picture on the right.
The pumpkins were done with dotters as I found it easier this way, rather than using the striper brush.